Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Firt Seminar (The Part I Missed)

Sorry as I was for arriving late to the seminar (merely 5 minutes) I was more sorry when I realized I missed my favourite part of philosophy which is anything that has to do with Socrates, father and pioneer of what I interpret as philosophy. Let's just say that in Politics & Global Studies my role model is Nelson Mandela, here I have Socrates.

When I got to class the lecturer was going over Plato, Socrates’ friend and student.
It seems (at least so far) that Socrates is barely mentioned, he did nothing but set an era from presocratic to postsocratic, he is but a mere chronological division in the vast ocean of philosophy, I couldn't disagree more... Socrates is as relevant to History as the supposed birth of Jesuschrist, setting the year 0 thus commencing a new era, the beginning of times. Socrates was not far from this achievement for it was him who came with the ultimate conclusion and most revealing piece of philosophical evidence in history! "All I know is that I know nothing", registered by his fellow student Plato in 'Republic' Socrates contradicts all understanding of philosophy claiming to know nothing.
Knowledge is just a belief, there is nothing that we could know for certain, not even gravity is for certain...every scientific discovery has a percentage of error, everything. All we believe to know is just an interpretation based on different memories that recollect through experience and belief, through empirical and idealist methods produced by our mind through logic and sense perception.

I strongly believe that this blog will not leave the Greek wheel of birth for our quest of truth is nothing but a witch hunt which will lead us to the only inevitable truth which was previously mentioned by Socrates. Nevertheless as a strong empirical believer I will experience this quest myself in order to reassure what I so strongly believe thus removing whatever drop of idealism I have left within me.


  1. You will be pleased to know that I use the socratic method in lecturing and conducting seminars. I am therefore under constant threat of hemlock. It certainly is my aim to corrupt and poison the monds of the young.

  2. These blog entries display a Platonistic interest in a transcendent truth which is 'out there' waiting to be found. It is OK to be a platonist, but you need to link this to your reading so that I can produce a Socratic refutation.
