Wednesday 29 September 2010

Let the Quest begin!

[1st Post]
So it seems part of my Journalism course will be engaged through my blog! Quite frankly I’m not exactly sure of the approach I’m expected to give the subject through this spontaneous and informal cybernetic exploration but I'll do my best!

I have to admit that our seminars have been truly revealing, needless to say that I’m extremely interested in the philosophical part of this intriguing course, I was not aware that we would dig in such complex matter as mind itself; thoroughly examining the presocratic philosophy up to modernity.
Redundant as this may sound, THERE WILL BE A LOT OF INTERPRETATION in this blog.
This quest for truth begins with the very root of our existence (if we believe that Rene Descartes interpretation is accurate)"I think therefore I am" and consequently I blog my response therefore I interpret.

As our first assignment:
Read Mr Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy from chapters 1-9. I encourage myself not to be deceived by his humble sense of humour and the easy language for this book summarises the western interaction of mind from Pythagoras to Leibniz, tackling centuries of enlightening discoveries and mind blasting theories.

...So far the only truth I have is that this subject will demand more power of mind than I thought

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